Music|July 09, 2015 09:44 EDT
Luis Palau's NY CityFest Hits Radio City Music Hall, Time Square, & Central Park with Mariano Rivera, TobyMac, & More
On the eve of one of the biggest religious events to take place in New York City in over a decade ?NY CityFest with Luis Palau: a massive festival on the Great Lawn of Central Park ?evangelist Luis Palau said today that he believes New York City is one of the most spiritual cities in America.
"Living on the other side of the country, the impression that we get, and many other Americans too, is that New York is the most secular place on the planet," said Palau. "That couldn't be further from what I have experienced. I've been living here and traveling here extensively over the last year, and I can say without a doubt that NYC is one of the most spiritual cities in America."
A big reason Palau believes the rest of America gets the wrong impression is that much of the news coming out of New York does not accurately represent the people who live in the city.
"The perception is that New York is a wealthy city. But once you are out of Manhattan, it's a very different story. The glamour and glitz of many of the secular elites represent such a small sliver of a massive population here that is struggling. It's these folks, from the outer boroughs, who are having a hard time. More often than not, this reality makes them more open to talk about spiritual things. I've encountered them everywhere, in restaurants, hotels, on the street and even in the subways ? yes, New Yorkers really do talk to each other on the subways!"
But, according to Palau, even among the secular elites he's counseled here, there is an underlying interest in faith that can be tapped.
"Having wealth and material success gives a person a certain self confidence that can often drive them away from faith. However, once you get behind the façade and uncover that spiritual void, it's amazing how the walls come down and they become open to conversations about faith."
All told, Palau believes that right now in New York City, there is a tremendous opportunity for religious leaders to lead people back to God. This week, he will proclaim the "Good News in the City" at three famous NYC landmarks: Radio City Music Hall (July 7), Times Square (July 10) and at NY CityFest with Luis Palau (July 11) where he will present his message to 60,000 people who will attend the sold-out festival on the Great Lawn of Central Park.
"My message to New York will be that, for the poor, physically or economically challenged, when you come to Christ, you will be lifted up. For the elites, you can still be rich and successful while being humble and serving others. I have seen it all over the world. For an individual to truly change, they must acknowledge who Jesus is and consider him as their Lord. A spiritual rebirth must take place for a fresh and full life ? life to the maximum possibility. That's the Good News in the City!"
Since there are no more tickets available to the festival, anyone wishing to see it can watch the live stream on the Internet at
For more information on NY CityFest with Luis Palau, visit