'Louie' Season 5 Episode 5 Recap: Series Brings Back its Surreal Roots with New Episodes

The 5th episode in season 5 of Louie, begins with the usual series of vignettes of Louie going about his day to day life and activities.

The episode is called "Untitled" and it revives the style of the first few episodes of he show, bringing back its surrealism.

One of the most interesting scenes was yet another in which Louie had an exceedingly awkward social interaction, with his daughter's friend, Mika's, mother, who is a recent divorcee.

She asks him to help her move a fish tank to another room when he goes to pick his daughter up from a sleepover at her house, and he is not interested.

When she realizes this, she has an emotional meltdown, which of course makes him very uncomfortable.

He is stuck between leaving, which would make him much more comfortable, understandably, and staying and helping her to move the fish tank. When he cannot stop her crying, he covers her up with a blanket and leaves.

The incident brings back the recurring nightmares that Louie has, although it is not the root of the problem.

Apparently, the nightmares are a reflection of an earlier interaction that Louie had with a fellow comedian, known as "Crazy Glasy." Glasy commends Louie for a stand up bit that he did about a bee.

However, the interaction is uncomfortable for Louie because of Crazy Glasy's excessive enthusiasm and inability to retell the joke properly.

After Louie helps Mika's mother move the fish tank and do some other chores, his nightmares stop.