Trending News|April 14, 2015 02:43 EDT
London Jewel Heist News: Hundreds of Million Dollars Stolen in Safe Deposit Box Center Robbery
Millions of dollars worth of jewels and cash has been stolen from a London safe deposit box center. Detectives are investigating the crime, and some say it could be the biggest in the country's history.
According to latest reports, experts believe the stolen haul could be worth as much as $300 million. "Authorities think the thieves responsible cut their way into roughly 70 personal safe boxes used by traders in London's main diamond district, Hatton Garden," writes People.
In an interview with the BBC, Roy Ramm, a former detective, said the the raiders could have taken hundreds of millions of dollars, but the full worth of the goods would never be known.
The thieves had a lot of time to follow through with their plans of the holiday weekend, because businesses in London closed on the evening of April 2nd and did not open again until Tuesday.
The burglary happened sometime during the weekend, as it was reported early Tuesday morning, according to Scotland Yard.
Around seventy safety deposit boxes were raided using heavy cutting equipment. The equipment was used to gain access to a vault. According to People, some reports suggest the criminals may have rappelled down a lift shaft from there to gain access to the vault where hundreds of safe deposit boxes are stored."
Police say that the investigation of the crime scene is a process that will take a lot of time, "involving forensic examination, photographing the scene and recovering exhibits in meticulous detail in order to preserve the evidence."
In the meantime, traders have been gathering to assess the damage done to their savings.