'Limitless' New Series Cast News: Bradley Cooper To Reprise Role From Movie in TV Spinoff

Bradley Cooper has recently been announced to recur on CBS's new series 'Limitless,' reprising his character from the movie, Eddie Mora.

The actor is well known for his most recent roles in movies such as 'American Sniper,' 'Guardians of the Galaxy,' and the 'Hangover' films, but in 2011 he starred in a movie where he played a character that unlocked the full potential of his brain from a drug.

Here's the show's synopsis:

"Limitless centers on Brian Finch (Jake McDorman) - a new character that exists in the same world as Eddie Mora - who discovers the brain-boosting power of the mysterious drug NZT and is coerced by the FBI into using his extraordinary cognitive abilities to solve complex cases for them. Unbeknownst to the FBI, Brian also has a clandestine relationship with Senator Edward Mora (Cooper), a presidential hopeful and regular user of NZT who has plans of his own for his new protégé."

Cooper initially guest starred on the pilot, but has now officially signed on in a reoccurring role. This will make it the first time the high profile actor has been involved with a television series since 2009.

"The show itself will be more of a crime procedural with a new character called Brian Finch (Jake McDorman) using his new drug-enhanced super-human abilities to solve crimes for the F.B.I. Cooper's character will serve as Finch's mentor. Once again, the line between TV actor and movie star grows ever blurrier," writes Vanity Fair.

'Limitless' will air at 10:00 pm on CBS starting this fall.