Reviews|September 02, 2014 03:16 EDT
Lily Isaacs' 'You Don't Cry Out Loud' Autobiography Gives a Glimpse of Survival, Hope, & Finding Jesus (REVIEW)
'You Don't Cry Out Loud' is the story of renowned artist Lily Isaacs', recording career, battle with cancer, and her journey as a Jewish raised girl from the Bronx with Holocaust survivor parents to an award winning Christian singer.
Isaacs wrote her autobiography after some prodding from other people to share her amazing story. She has won Dove Awards and has been nominated for a Grammy, and always had this amazing testimony. She was signed as an artist in the late '60s by Colombia Records, but it ultimately did not work out until almost 30 years later when she found success with her children singing Christian music with the Gaithers and others.
"There is a hope through Christ, no matter who you are or where you came from. People everywhere need to be reminded of that every day. That God can use them in powerful ways. Ways they'd never imagine," Isaacs wrote in a press release, "Proof of that? That the daughter of two Polish Jews, who survived the Holocaust and raised her in the Bronx singing Jewish folks music, would eventually be traveling the world telling people about Jesus via a ministry built around country bluegrass gospel music. If they don't think He can change the direction of their life, they need to think again. They need to know Him better. And, I want the people that read this book to know that my life is proof, too, that there is life after a rocky childhood, cancer, and/or a divorce. Where there is a Jesus, there is hope!"

The book beautifully paints a picture of the worst and best times of her life. Perhaps the most interesting parts for readers would be learning of the atrocities her parents had to endure in the 1940s locked away in a concentration camp. Several times both of her parents were almost killed. Although they did not know each other, their fight for survival would pass down to their daughter Lily in her life.
Growing up in a poor family that just immigrated to America and living in mouse infested apartments taught Lily how to make the best out of bad situations. As a teen in the '60s Lily managed to balance school with acting and music. Eventually she would get a deal on Bob Dylan's record label, but success did not find her.
Without giving too much of the book away, she falls in love and moves to Ohio to leave the city life and start a family in farm country. She finds Jesus through tragedy, and overcomes obstacle after obstacle, whether it be her marriage or health.
'You Don't Cry Out Loud' is inspiring, gripping, and a book that is not easily put down. The book can be purchased here.
BreatheCast will be speaking to Lily Isaacs this week, so stay tuned for the interview!