Trending News|July 04, 2016 10:41 EDT
'Left 4 Dead 3' Release Date News: Valve Employee Accidentally Leaks Game Confirmation In Screenshot?
Tristan Reidford, an artist over at Valve, has just (accidentally?) leaked some information that may have been a confirmation that "Left 4 Dead 3" is indeed in the works.
Reidford posted a screenshot for one of his tutorials but it was not meticulously examined since as seen in the screenshot, on the left part, viewers would be able to see a folder with a title "left4dead3."
Since then, the screen shot can be found at Valve Time, a forum for Valve fans and gamers. While the folder's title is small and clearly not the main focus of the photo, it would be impossible for some viewers not to see it.
Since then, the post has been taken down by the uploader and a similar screenshot was post as a replacement. The replacement was said to be very similar to the previous one, except that the "left4dead3" folder has been removed, according to Game Rant.
Valve has been really quiet recently and has not given any recent statements about what happened. There is a probability that the company may have learned from the time they leaked information regarding "Half-Life 2." Regardless, it is definitely a good news to all "Left 4 Dead" fans out there.
The last game was released on November 17, 2009, which is about eight years ago. Since then, the game is still loved by gamers and updates are still being made for the game.
"Left 4 Dead 3" is rumored to be released some time in 2017. It is likely that it will be available on the PS4, Xbox One and the PC.