Events|April 07, 2015 12:02 EDT
Lecrae Visits White House for Prayer Breakfast; Kicks off Anomaly Tour with 'Good Morning America' Performance
On what is proving to be a busy week for Lecrae, the rapper made an appearance at the White House today, and will also be on 'Good Morning America' will the start of his tour.
"At the White House today for a prayer breakfast. Thankful for my bro Gene and his work at the Dept Of Justice. ?#"ŽChange?" Lecrae wrote on Facebook along with the picture below.

The Anomaly rapper will also be on 'Good Morning America' on Thursday April 9 at 7 a.m. EST to perform his hit song "All I Need is You." The appearance will celebrate and help kickoff the second leg of the Anomaly Tour which starts that night at the Best Buy Theater in NY, NY.
Lecrae admitted in a recent interview with BREATHEcast, that the next group of shows would be a bit different than the last leg of the AnomalyTour.
"We did 30 cities on the first leg, and were able to just see some of the things people really enjoyed or some of the things that may have been good ideas but didn't really flesh them out," he said. "So this go around we get to just revamp it, and highlight some of the stuff we saw people really enjoy."
He would not reveal anything specific and said, "You gotta show's an experience."
Most importantly, Lecrae wants people to come out to the Anomaly Tour, and support him and his buddies.
"Come out to the Anomaly tour... It's gonna be incredible. Andy has changed up his whole situation; DJ Promote is on deck. It's going to be a phenomenal experience."
Read the full interview here.
Upcoming Lecrae Tour Dates
Date Venue | Location
April 9 Best Buy Theater | New York, NY
April 10 Bojangles' Coliseum | Charlotte, NC
April 11 Timmons Arena | Greenville, SC
April 12 Palace Theatre | Columbus, OH
April 15 Bank of Kentucky Center | Highland Heights, KY
April 16 The Classic Center | Athens, GA
April 17 Constant Convocation Center | Norfolk, VA
April 18 APG Federal Credit Union Arena | Bel Air, MD
April 19 Stage AE | Pittsburg, PA
April 22 Moncton Wesleyan Celebration Centre | NB, Canada
April 23 Cross Insurance Arena | Portland, ME
April 24 House of Blues | Boston, MA
April 25 Church on the Queensway | ON, Canada
April 29 O'Reilly Family Event Center | Springfield, MO
April 30 Fox Theatre | St. Louis, MO