‘League of Legends' Reaches 100 Million Active Players; Co-Founders Talk About Game’s Success?

Riot Games' "League of Legends" has a promising active player pool on a global scale, along with this, game co-founders Marc "Tryndamere" Merrill and Brandon "Ryze" Beck discussed their views on the game and its success.

Merrill and Beck told Polygon, as cited by Rift Herald, that the studio approximated more 100 million players who actively played the game each month.

The number of players years ago was estimated to be 67 million and the new number is more than that of Valve's "Dota 2," which was over 13 million unique players per month, as per Reddit.

According to Beck, the current "League of Legends" player population is stunning. In a statement, as cited by the publication, the founder said that the idea that a lot of people would be pumped on that kind of experience was certainly something they had not predicted.

Beck also said that they had actually had had to sort of react to feedback about the game being uncompromised. For him, it had been all about pouring everything they could into such competitive experience to make it as good as it could possibly be, adding that they had been in a reactionary mode.

"Just like, holy crap, the game is getting really big and we have to keep up with the demands of our players," Beck said.

Focus is a priority behind "League of Legend's" success, as indicated by Beck. In a statement, as cited by Polygon, Beck said that the reason one had not seen a company grow up and not ship anything else in ten years was because that was a little crazy. He added that they had put a "League of Legends 2" and a "League of Legends 3" worth of time and effort and focus into "League" since it had launched.

"It remains an enormous priority for us," Beck said.

Initially released in 2009, "League of Legends" is playable on Microsoft Windows and Mac OS.