Inspirations|April 11, 2014 04:32 EDT
Laura Story's 'Blessings' Come Through Hardship; Singer Talks of Balancing a Toddler, Disabled Husband, Music Career, and Pregnancy with Twins (INTERVIEW)
Christian contemporary artist Laura Story is mid-way through a tour with Casting Crowns, raising a toddler with her husband who is limited by a disability, and has just announced she is pregnant with twins. Breathecast caught up with the worshiper to find out how she finds strength to do it all.
At the end of March, Story took to her site to post the news of her unexpected pregnancy to twins.

The singer loves to engage with her fans during live shows with meet and greets and autograph signings, but she said she has "been so sick," she is unable to do that.
"I've had to really scale back. For the first few weeks I was having so much trouble keeping food down cause I was so sick that I literally would lay on the couch all day and save up my energy for the set that night and try not to get sick during my set," she explained of her pregnancy so far.
"I hate being out here sick," story said. "The whole reason I do this is to come out and connect with people and when I don't get to do that is a frustrating thing."
Story is responsible for the major worship tune "Indescribable" the No. 1 hit recorded in 2004 by Chris Tomlin. After signing her own artist deal with INO Records, her debut album won a Dove Award for Inspirational Album. She has been touring since, even after having her first child Josie she has kept the momentum going.

"I also understand sometimes God has his way of making us slow down, even when we don't want to," Story admitted.
The South Carolina native said having a baby inside of your body "is a pretty big deal."
She stated she has had to take more time off during her 1st trimester than expected. The worshiper confessed that her pregnancy to her child 1-year-old Josie was not as difficult, and said the doctor told her she would have to take the end of her 2nd trimester, (last 3 months of pregnancy) off.
"I'm not allowed to go any where else; high risk pregnancy? and chances of pre-term labor with twins are so high," she said. In return she is ?having to cancel shows now in advance.
"I don't want to minimize getting rest," Story passionately said. She further stated that focusing on the "little life that's inside" of her, depending on her to make "Godly decisions" is most important.
Amidst of all her success, in 2006 her husband Martin Elvington, was hospitalized for a brain tumor that was severely life threatening. Story used the terrifying experience, which Martin pulled out of alive, to pen an album at the time.

"In every season of our lives God just continues to reiterate in my heart this need for me to trust him," she said, referring to the journey that lies ahead with her husband having a vision and memory deficit as a result of the tumor and raising three young children and a career.
"As the main bread winner in my family I have a way of taking it all on myself and say 'if I don't make this happen then it's not going to happen,'" Story revealed, "And in every season of our lives I feel God peeling back my fingers and saying 'no Laura it's not your burden to carry, it's mine.'"
She understood that although people might view her as the provider for her family, she said, she is not, "God is the provider."
"I'm trying to rest on his promises and really enjoy this season of being pregnant. I don't want to wreck that with anxiety."
The singer will have loads of help. She leads worship in Perimeter Church in Atlanta which seats 4,000 people. She said they have been a great help to her with her first child and plan to continue. Story has been serving in the ministry for nine years and said they help with childcare, encouragement, and helping her disciple her Josie. She currently has a nanny that travels with her.
Story, whose passion is to serve and worship, thanks God for giving her such a huge responsibly. She is bravely gearing up for the next faze of life and encourages everyone's prayer for her and her family.
Say a prayer for Laura, and bring positive and holy peace her way as her passion for God continues to drive her.