BC News|March 24, 2015 04:04 EDT
Lacey Sturm Shares How She Found God & 'The Reason' to Live After Suicide Attempt – BC Pulse [VIDEO INTERVIEW]
Christian singer, "rock princess," and now author, Lacey Sturm, spoke to BREATHEcast about her tough upbringing, finding God, her book 'The Reason', and upcoming solo project in an episode of BC Pulse.
"It's a new territory for me, talking about things so personal," she said of the book and its transparency.
Growing up Sturm, she believed "God was powerful, loving and good," but after any hardships and the tragic loss of her cousin, she became an atheist.
She explained that as an atheist, she felt more selfish. Her goal became to make herself happy, and to associate with people who can bring her something. "It's a rollercoaster to find out the difference between right and wrong."
As Sturm was trying to find her identity, she was also creating her own morals. She also began questioning her existence in life, and just felt an emptiness as she wandered about without purpose. In the midst of her darkest time, she was awakened by God, and this ultimately saved her life.
"When I had my encounter with God, the first thing I recognized is that God is good...is so good we have to use the word holy...He's so beyond good that I could never even touch that," she shared.
For more on Sturm's testimony and her upcoming album, watch the interview below:
Listen to Sturm's new song "Faith" from her upcoming solo album here.
Before the video interview, Sturm spoke to BC about her book and testimony on a phone interview. Read our three part interview with her read part one were she speaks on attempting suicide here, part two where she speaks on her drug use and sexuality here, and part three where she speaks on being comfortable struggling here.

Sturm's compelling book 'The Reason: How I Discovered a Life Worth Living' takes readers into an incredible foray of a young adolescent's battle with drug abuse, confusion, depression, thoughts of suicide, and ultimately redemption in the form of a new life. Read our review of it here.