Trending News|February 25, 2015 02:57 EST
Kobe Bryant News 2015: Revelations at Grantland Basketball Hour & 'Muse' Premiere Date
As Kobe Bryant creeps closer to the end of his career, he's solidified his grip as the league's best player"¦to interview. His revealing documentary "Muse" will prove as much, but he also continues to do so as he tours to promote "Muse," which premieres on February 28 on Showtime.
Recently, Bryant stopped by the Grantland Basketball Hour with Bill Simmons and Jalen Rose to reveal more interesting insights.
Near the end of the show, Bryant was asked why he thinks he only won one MVP in his career so far.
"Because the media votes on it," was his instinctive response, which he gave without blinking. Adding, "It was never a mission of mine to win a lot of MVPs. It was to win a lot of championships. With that being said, does it bother me? Yeah, it bothers me. Of course it bothers me."
He was also asked if he would've changed anything about being Dwight Howard's teammate, who he famously didn't see eye-to-eye with during the former three-time Defensive Player of the Year's time with the Los Angeles Lakers.
Kobe's equally quick response to that query"”"Zero," pointing out that he grew up seeing Magic, Larry and Michael lead their teams, and "for him to hand over the keys to this kingdom (Lakers), it's got to be to someone who has the same DNA."
Another interesting quip came after being asked what among the many advances in the game would he have liked to have during his younger years, and he was likewise direct in pointing out that he would've loved to have the "old illegal defense" rules.
"You can't bail players out. You made players man up and play," adding that it took away what he called "SOS" defense, which he had to go through his entire career.
Bryant also admitted that in 2007, when he infamously asked for a trade, Chicago was his number one preferred destination.
Kobe Bryant's "Muse" premieres Saturday, February 28, 9 pm ET/PT on Showtime.