Trending News|September 09, 2016 11:05 EDT
'Kingdom Hearts 3' News & Update: Xbox Japan Listing Vanished, ‘2.8 Final Chapter’ The Culprit?
In line with the release date of Square Enix's "Kingdom Hearts 3," the game's name on Xbox Japan's website reportedly vanished.
On Aug. 29, game enthusiast and Twitter user @bKvEBVAvUq wrote on the social media that "Kingdom Hearts 3" was gone from Xbox Japan listing. Clicking the first link on the tweet leads to Xbox Japan's page; however, it only contains an error message saying that the page is inexistent, as per KH Insider.
As per the publicaton, searching "Kingdom Hearts 3" on Xbox Japan's webpage contains the link for the aforementioned webpage. It is added that the initial listing for teh game is still through cache. The game is also listed in Xbox Japan's release schedule; but then, the page appears to be non-updated.
According to Kotaku, no details confirm why the game's Japanese version was removed. The publication followed up Square Enix, but the studio is yet to give a response. The webpage might have been accidentally being taken down or transferred to a new page, as per KH Insider. It is also feasible that the game was deleted on purpose.
According to Game N Guide, Square Enix developers may have been using the hyper for the game as a marketing strategy for "Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue." As per the publication, "Kingdom Hearts 3" and "Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter" seem to have a connected storyline.
Another reason behind the disappearance of the game is that the studio might be focusing on "Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Final Chapter" at the moment. In a statement, as cited by Venture Beat, co-director Tai Yasue said that they were making "III" and "2.8" at the same time, but they had wanted to concentrated on the latter for the time being.
Overall, Square Enix is yet to reveal the game's exact release date.