Trending News|June 19, 2015 02:32 EDT
'Kick-Ass 3' News: Matthew Vaughn Onboard to Direct Prequel Film
The third installment into the 'Kick-Ass' franchise has been rumored to be in the works for a while, however a recent confirmation from the movie's original director would give fans something to hold on to.
Matthew Vaughn in an interview with Yahoo UK spoke on how he's totally onboard to return to the movie franchise. He states:
"I'm not happily done with the franchise, for sure. Kick-Ass is a really important film to me and I'm very proud of it, and we would like to dip our toe back into it-when I say 'we' I mean Mark [Millar] and I and the team."
While the first 'Kick-Ass' film enjoyed a lot of success, the second one didn't resonate with audiences as well, and many link that to Vaughn's absence.
Vaughn goes on to speak on how he plans to breathe life back into the franchise after the slight stumble it suffered from the second film.
"We're working on an idea for a prequel of how did Hit Girl and Big Daddy become Hit Girl and Big Daddy," Vaughn explains. "If we make that, hopefully that will be the sorbet for the people that didn't like Kick-Ass 2, and then we can go off and make Kick-Ass 3. But I think we've got to do this prequel just to regain the love that we had with Kick-Ass."
It is uncertain when or even if the third movie will arrive, but Vaughn is currently working on the second 'Kingsman' film, leaving him tied up for the remainder of the year.