Kenneth Griffin Divorce News: Citadel CEO to Pay $1 Million a Month in Child Support?

Kenneth Griffin, the founder and CEO of the global investment firm, Citadel, has found himself in the news for a rather expensive divorce; his wife is allegedly asking for $1 million a month, according to CNN.

Dias Griffin has claimed that she will be needing the amount of $1 million per month to support her three children while her husband has outright denied the claim saying that the money will be spent on her extravagant lifestyle.

According to the court filings, the budget included $300,000 a month for a private jet, $160,000 for vacation accommodations, $60,000 for an office space and professional staff and about $14,000 per month for groceries and dining out, as reported by CNN.

In addition, the filings also say, "Anne failed in her initial effort to obtain these things from Ken in the name of maintaining the 'status quo.' Now she claims that these same expenses are in fact 'child support.'"

Among other things, the filings also mention that her husband has refused to pay monthly child support, and that he has "attempted to place himself above the law." Also, the filings have estimated the net worth of Griffin to be around $50 million, thereby reasoning that he can easily cover the expenses.

Griffin, however, agreed to pay $25 million along with $1 million for each year they were married, as mentioned in their pre-nuptial agreement, according to a report in The Chicago Sun-Times.

Dias Griffin's spokesperson said to CNN said, "Ken Griffin, one of the wealthiest men in the world, continues to lie with impunity and to brutally and shamelessly attack the mother of his children in an effort to avoid his financial responsibilities to his family."