Trending News|April 22, 2015 10:26 EDT
Kate Middleton New Baby News, Rumors: A Little Princess Could be Worth $1.5 Billion to her Country
The most awaited Royal baby this year hasn't arrived just yet but there are already speculations as to what will happen if it turns out to be a girl. Reports claim that if Princess Kate Middleton and Prince William have a baby girl, the new princess will be worth $1.5 billion.
Just a week away from Princess Middleton's due date and of course a lot of speculations will arise as to the gender of her second baby with Prince William. Although it has been reported that the parents themselves are still uninformed about the baby's gender, a lot of members in the fashion and social industry have already speculated the market's worth of their baby if it's a girl.
"I think there will be an immediate boost of around 80 million pounds [or $119.4 million] when the baby is born, with around [$30 million-$37 million] spent on souvenirs and the rest on food and drink such as cake and sparkling wine," Professor Joshua Bamfield, director of the U.K.'s Center for Retail Research, told London's Telegraph speculating the worth of the Royal baby no. 2 if it will be a girl. "There isn't as much excitement when it's the second baby, but a girl would have the potential to boost the fashion industry," he added.
There will also be more opportunities in the fashion industry copying what the upcoming baby would wear. "As well as the boost to baby clothing sales that we have seen from Prince George, a Princess would be able to set trends throughout her life, which will be great for the people who designed her clothes or those who can make quick knock-off copies," Bamfield continued.
Who knew that one little Royal baby can make such a big effect on the community. Meanwhile, being a royal baby or even a Princess however have consequences as well. "She will be growing up in the public eye as a princess, and I can think of no greater pressure," royals expert Catherine Mayer, author of Charles: The Heart of a King, tells E! News.
"It is bad enough being a female in public life, but being a princess in public life know, that child will be scrutinized. She will be told she's pretty--and then she'll be told maybe she's not so pretty...whether she's eating enough or eating too little. And then, of course, they'll be suggesting handsome husbands for her for all of her life," Mayer added thinking of the possible situation once the second baby is indeed a girl.
"I rather hope that if it is a princess it's a very, very strong individual," Mayer said adding, "and hopefully with a bit of a sense of humor. It would be quite nice if there was a punk princess."