Trending News|June 15, 2015 03:55 EDT
'Jurassic World' News: Star Actor Chris Pratt Signed For Multiple Sequels
The long-awaited 'Jurassic World' movie hit theaters this weekend and is currently enjoying a lot of its predictable success with an opening day record of $82.8M.
Chris Pratt debuted in the franchise as the lead and thanks to his star-studded performance, fans are all now curious when's the next time we'll see him in the role. Thanks to an interview with EW, we now have confirmation that the actor will indeed be back, but for how long?
"I am. They have me for I think 38 movies or something," the actor joking says at the end of his interview.
Pratt also offers some insight on how it was working on the film. He begins with speaking on how amazing it was working with Steven Spielberg:
"Working with him and having him be a peer now is pretty remarkable. He's a guy who's an icon. I was never a film buff as a kid. I liked to entertain people and I liked comedy and I liked to escape with a movie now and then, but I knew who Steven Spielberg was. He was the first real celebrity director. Like the director you'd go see his movie because it was his movie. And Jurassic Park was a big event for me. So working with him and just the idea that everyday the dailies would go back and he'd be sitting there watching them. And they'd be like, "He really likes them!" And I'd be like, 'You're just saying that to be nice!'"
He also explains how he was offered the role by director Colin Trevorrow:
"Yeah. He basically pitched me the whole idea. Told me he was potentially interested in me from the role. He was really going off of what he knew from Parks and Rec and Zero Dark Thirty. It was really more the Zero Dark Thirty character. The character from Jurassic is like a combat veteran, like a spec ops guy, so I could do that and still have a little goofiness. So he gave me the pitch.
"I liked Colin so much because he's a straight shooter. He just tells you the truth. He's so transparent. So I hung up the Skype call and immediately forgot about it because I was in the middle of trying to navigate this movie that everyone thought was going to be terrible. I was tanking my career on this f**king weird space movie with a raccoon with a gun. So I did that and the movie hadn't even come out yet and I got this call from my manager saying, "Colin wants to meet with ya." And I met him down at this restaurant. I was like, 'Let's do it.'"
'Jurassic World' is in theaters now.