Artists|May 18, 2015 10:15 EDT
Jon Micah Sumrall's 'Faith & Family' Shares Different Side of Frontman; Singer Reveals New Album for Kutless in the Works [INTERVIEW]
Longtime vocalist of Christian rock band Kutless, Jon Micah Sumrall, recently released his debut solo album, Faith & Family, and he took some time out to answer our questions about the record that was 13 years in the making.

BREATHEcast: What has been the response of your solo album so far, and what were you expecting from it?
Jon Micah Sumrall: The response has been really good so far. I think everyone has really appreciated the vulnerability and honesty of this record. These songs are all very personal and my hope was that this would make the songs very relatable. It seems that so far this is being accomplished.
BC: Is it safe to say that Kutless fans will be/are fans of your solo work?
JMS: I believe so. Sonically it is certainly mellower than most Kutless songs but I think there is enough familiarity in both my vocals and the writing style that Kutless fans will enjoy this project.
BC: What are the major contrasts between your solo work and the music of Kutless? Is the songwriting approach any different?
JMS: I think the songwriting approach was much more intimate. Many of these songs simply wouldn't fit on a Kutless record. Several of the songs on the record were written for my wife and would have seemed out of place in the band setting. Sonically I was really intentional about this record sounding different. Really the only rule I placed on it was to not use electric guitars. Electric guitars are a hallmark of the Kutless sound and I figured different instrumentation would force me into a different direction sonically. This certainly happened and I found myself returning to many of the instruments I grew up playing such as the piano. I think overall it created a very classic sound that really represents my musical background and upbringing.
BC: I'm sure over the span of the last 15 years or so you've written tons of songs that might not necessarily fit within the realm of Kutless. Was it difficult to narrow down what would go into this album?
JMS: Selecting songs for any record is a difficult process. This is one of the reasons we work with producers as they help up us weed through the muck and find the best songs. For this project I enlisted the help of Dave Lubben, who also produced the last couple Kutless records. Between the two of us we were able to narrow down the songs and put together a collection that I believe is both compelling and emotionally touching.
BC: Throughout your career you've switched styles between heavier rock, worship, and now a more contemporary sound. Has this been a gradual evolution or a sort of planned progression?
JMS: I think it has been a gradual evolution. When we first started touring I was 21 years old and newly married. Now I have two children, (my oldest is 10 years old!) and my life is not in the same place it was 15 years ago. A lot has changed and over the years our music has evolved. Now that being said, this music is also a part of us and if you look back on our entire catalog there is an ebb and flow to our sound. We are in a different place in life and even our music preferences have changed, but don't be surprised if some of those sounds from the early days find their way back to the surface!
BC: Why do you feel music is such a powerful tool for evangelism?
JMS: Music has the ability to break down walls and transcend many of the barriers that people put up. Have you ever listened to a song and started singing along, suddenly realizing that you know the words but you don't remember learning them? We often get caught up in music, the emotion of it, the way it makes us feel. We allow it in and it affects us. I really believe it can be a powerful tool to speak into peoples lives and when people allow you to speak into their life, you have the opportunity to affect their perspective. This to me makes music a very natural tool for evangelism. If we can convey the Gospel in a medium that causes people listen to and allows the words to touch their heart and soul, we can be very effective in evangelistic ministry.
BC: As someone who has done both rock and worship, what are your thoughts on heavier rock being used as worship? Do you feel the spirit moves just as freely, or does worship kind of create its own atmosphere?
JMS: I believe that worship can take place in numerous ways. Sure, here in America we have a "worship" genre that has a particular sound and feel and many people feel that they can worship best with this style of music, but there is nothing more spiritual about it than any other "sound." Worship is a heart issue. So whether you are playing traditional hymns on an organ, or playing rock with electric guitars I believe that God can be glorified and true worship can take place. Really the question is, is God being glorified and is everything that is happening focused upon Him? If the answer is no to that question than it doesn't matter what the music sounds like.
BC: What is next for you as a solo artist?
JMS: I'm not really sure. This solo record has been a project I have wanted to do for a long time and I hope it continues to open new opportunities. I have really enjoyed getting opportunities to strip away all the big production that I'm used to with the band and just play simple, acoustic music. I think its just another outlet. Something that's simple, different, and refreshing. I have been doing more speaking lately as well and it has also complemented those opportunities. Every day is a new day, and I kind of have to take it one step at a time and evaluate where my time is best spent. Between my family and Kutless I stay very busy, which is one of the reasons it has taken so long to do this record. Maybe down the road I will have another collection of songs and a chunk of time that I can dedicate to another solo record, but for now I'm just really glad to have had the opportunity to get this record finished and share it with people everywhere.

BC: What is in the works for Kutless, and what can the fans be expecting?
JMS: We are actually working on a brand new record right now and are really excited about working with Aaron Sprinkle again on this new project! He produced all of our early records and it has been really fun getting to re-connect with him. As for touring, we will be on the road a bunch in the near future with a really busy summer and fall season. We will be traveling all over the U.S. in addition to two international trips scheduled to the Ukraine and South Africa.
BC: Anything else to add?
JMS: I would just like to thank everyone who has supported Kutless all of these years. We couldn't still be out doing what we do without your support and it is privilege and an honor to still take the stage and share our music with people on a consistent basis. Please keep us in your prayers as we still have lots of travel, shows, and exciting ministry opportunities coming up. If you want to stay in touch and follow our road adventures, you can follow me on Facebook at or Kutless at Twitter @jonmicahsumrall or @kutless. Thanks!