Jodi Arias Trial Verdict, Sentencing News: Arias to Serve Natural Life Sentence in Prison

After a long and media popular trial, Jodi Arias was sentenced to natural life in prison on Monday for the murder of her boyfriend, Travis Alexander in 2008.

The sentence came after two judges were unable to come to a unanimous decision about giving her the death penalty.

"I wish there was something I could do to take it back," Arias stated in her final plea.

The judge ruled the crime ''especially cruel. It involved substantial planning and preparation. ... The defendant destroyed evidence ... and went to great lengths to conceal her involvement."

"Arias probably will appeal her conviction, as her attorneys made a detailed record of their allegations of misconduct against prosecutor Juan Martinez over the course of two trials. And the criminal defense community, meanwhile, is assembling a dossier on Martinez with the intent of filing a complaint to the State Bar of Arizona regarding his conduct in the Arias case and others," writes USA Today.