Jodi Arias Murder Trial News: Case in Penalty Phase Retrial

The Jodi Arias Trial, which has been going on for almost two years now, has now turned into a penalty phase retrial case that has drawn wide attention of the media and the public alike.

The jury was yet again found debating on whether or nor Arias should be sentenced to death. The defense, however, pleaded with the jury that Arias should be let go given her long struggle with mental illness and since she subjected to emotional and physical abuse as a child.

It was decided that Arias would not plead guilty as it was originally decided that the trial will be broadcasted on television, but Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Sherry Stephens subsequently turned down requests for the penalty phase retrial to be streamed live or broadcast the same day. She has ruled that the verdict itself can be shown live, according to Reuters.

Arias was convicted of murdering her boyfriend, Alexander on June 4, 2008, in Mesa, Arizona. The victim has suffered multiple stab wounds, a slit throat and a gunshot to the head. Arias admitted to killing Alexander in self-defense.

On May 8, 2013, she was found guilty of first-degree murder by a Maricopa County Superior Court jury. Later she was found guilty of committing the murder in an especially cruel manner, which may be the reason behind her impending death penalty.

The defense lawyer, Kirk Nurmi speaking about the trail, said Arias was the victim of a twisted relationship in which she was sexually humiliated by Alexander, who was killed after he and Arias had sex and took intimate photos, according to Yahoo.

He added, "Why did we go from this sexual encounter to the killing? Because of this tumultuous relationship. Because the emotional stress all this was bringing on."