Trending News|February 25, 2015 11:43 EST
Jennifer Lopez & Rihanna New Music News: Singles from Both Singers Release for Animated Film 'Home'
Two singles from two of the biggest stars in the industry released their songs just hours apart. Jennifer Lopez had her single out first, then after a few hours, Rihanna released her new single which blew their fans away.
It is indeed an exciting week for music and movie fans as both Lopez and Rihanna's singles are soundtrack to an upcoming animated film 'Home'. Lopez released 'Feel the Light' while Rihanna hours later released 'Towards The Sun'.
Two songs and two artists in one movie is a big thing and reports are already speculating that both will be head-to-head in the charts if not tied. Reportedly, the film 'Home' which is based on the children's sci-fi novel 'The true meaning of Smekday' will hit theaters next month.
Talk about a very fast-paced industry where chart topping singles come and go. But these two artists Rihanna and Lopez are seen to be still going strong in their musical careers. Lopez is also reported to be voicing a character in the film.
Fans have been quite anxious to hear the two singles in the film when it goes to theaters but meanwhile the songs are just available online. Rihanna's single was reportedly leaked online hours after Lopez's song was released.
Well, as everything is now out in the open, fans would just have to wait for the film to be premiered which is not too long now. Meanwhile, according to reports, Rihanna's 'Towards the Sun' is a little different from the others that she performed. Some say that the song is out of this world.
"Turn your face towards the sun / Let the shadows fall behind you," Rihanna sings in the chorus. "Don't look back, just carry on / And the shadows will never find you," she continues.