Good Talks|December 05, 2014 09:58 EST
Jamie Grace Reveals Tourette's Syndrome Made Her 'Bitter' But Tammy Trent's Testimony Helped Her Speak Life
Christian singer Jamie Grace revealed a personal story about her battle with Tourette Syndrome, and shared how she was able to push past the worst of it and use her gifts for God.
She began her post with saying that eight years ago her Tourettes was especially bad. "My tics had messed up so many muscles I could barely hold my head up on my own, I wasn't really doing school work because it was too hard to focus but my mom encouraged me to rest up all week and save my energy for #therevolvetour."
Grace shared that as she sat in the audience "bitter," "emotionally and physically sick;" it was singer Tammy Trent that broke through to her. Grace said it was Trent's "tears and vulnerability" of the testimony she shared that really struck a nerve with her.
"Throughout the weekend, including that following Sunday at my home church, I would hear more stories and songs that would turn my eyes toward Jesus and put a spark in me to want to share that hope with whoever would be willing to listen," she wrote.
The singer than went on to speak some words of positive encouragement. "It doesn't matter where you've been, what you think about yourself, what people say about you... You were created by the King of Kings and you matter. Your story matters. And maybe you won't ever stand on a stage and share your story through a microphone but your life is beautiful and has purpose."
Grace said her picture (seen below) was blurry because she was just like all the others who were just too far away. She wants to speak life into to others to let them know that wherever you are in life "You're. Never. Too. Far."
"You're not too young. You're not too small. You're not a mistake. You're lovely. You're loved. I promise," she concluded.
According to Herald Review, the young singer also struggles with ADHD, OCD, anxiety issues, and echolalia.
"The illness really altered my life, taking me to a place where I had to decide, is faith still possible, and is joy still real?" Grace said, "I prayed all day long to not have Tourette syndrome, but it was probably not until I was 14 that I began to understand faith a little better. Because eventually, we're all going to get sick or lose something we love, but we don't have to face the challenge alone. I learned how to worship God even when I was hurting."
Grace has always made music a part of her life. She used to travel with her mother who was a gospel singer. Both of her parents were pastors and would often include their children in productions and during worship services, in the behind the scenes areas.
Eventually she caught the eye of TobyMac and his label Gotee Records. From there Grace has become the darling of Christian music and at 22-years-old has already been nominated for a Grammy Award.