In the news|March 02, 2015 11:42 EST
J.K. Simmons News: 'Whiplash' Actor Picks Up Tab For Los Angeles Police Officers
It appears that paying homage to police officers by paying for their meals is a new way to catch some publicity in Hollywood these days.
Only a week or two after Justin Bieber's same act of kindness, Oscar winning actor J.K. Simmons follows suit and does the same thing for a couple of police officers at a local Mexican spot he frequents.
"Fresh off his Oscar win -- for playing a violent hard-a** -- Simmons flipped the script while grabbing lunch Tuesday at Poquito Más in the Valley. We're told he was buying for 2 friends, and got his usual ... a scampi burrito -- but while ordering he saw a couple of LAPD officers in line and picked up their tab too," writes TMZ.
Simmons later paid for a third police officer that came in.
It was reported that the 60-year-old actor spent approximately $50 for each of the six meals. On a side note, Simmons recently won 'Best Supporting Actor' for 'Whiplash' at the Oscars.