'iZombie' Cast News: Series' Creator Addresses Deviation from Comics

CW's newest female lead show, 'iZombie,' has received a lot of positive attention, and fans at WonderCon were lucky enough to sit down with the show's creators and cast to discuss a lot about the series.

Series' co-creator, Rob Thomas led off the panel by stating his motivation for the show.

"It's your basic ZomComRomDram," he states, as he didn't want to exactly make the next best zombie TV series, but the next best female lead CW show.

"There might be romance in the future for zombie Liv," Thomas hinted.

According to IGN, Anders also discussed what's coming up for his character and the role that will play in the upcoming storyline for season one, "He's got big designs on becoming King Z" said Anders of his character, Blaine's story, "you're going to get inside his brains dealing operation next week." Beyond that, Anders also teased that audiences may begin to meet some of Blaine's "zombie henchmen."

Furthermore, Thomas addressed the changes from the comics to the show.

"By making Liv work in the morgue instead of the graveyard, we had a case of the week. That's better for a TV show" stated Thomas, "We deviated where we did for specific reasons."