Inspirations|July 29, 2014 04:28 EDT
Is There Redemption for Fallen Ministers? Deitrick Haddon, Ted Haggard, and More Continue in Ministry After Falling From Grace (VIDEO)
Although Christianity is arguably based on restitution, forgiveness, and starting over, sometimes believers are devastated when ministers fall into sin and are found guilty. Below is a list of pastors who admitted their wrong doings, lost their ministries for a time, and have found restoration in ministry.
1. Deitrick Haddon
"Preachers of L.A." reality star, Gospel singer, and Pastor, Deitrick Haddon began dating his now wife, Dominique, back when the singer/actor was in a dark place due to a rough divorce from his first wife of 15 years. The pastor came clean on his Facebook page at the top of 2013 about his messy divorce and his girlfriend at the time that happened to be pregnant with the couple's first child.
"I do admit that she did get pregnant before my divorce was final as my divorce carried on for over a year. However an abortion was not an option for me so I covered her & she covered me while we both repented of our sins & submit to spiritual leadership," he said on Facebook.
Haddon has since moved on and said he has learned from his painful past. His reality show has provided a platform where he is seen pastoring his church.

2.Ted Haggard
Pastor Ted Haggard, publicly spoke about his struggle on Oprah. He spoke of "sexual immorality," and it was revealed that he purchased methamphetamine from a gay prostitute who claimed he had a three-year relationship with Haggard. The evangelical leader was also accused by his New Life Church officials that payments were made to a young male church member who said he had a relationship with Haggard before he resigned or was removed from all of his leadership positions.
He then entered counseling, overseen by four ministers intended to reform his homosexual tendencies. Haggard and his wife have appeared on Oprah again. They revealed they are currently pastoring another ministry in Colorado Springs. View video update below:

3. Jim Bakker
Minister, Jim Bakker hosted the popular 1980s show, "The PTL Club," with his then-wife Tammy Faye. Bakker was found guilty of using much of the money he raised for charity to fund his extravagant lifestyle. News came out that he also had an affair with Jessica Hahn, his former secretary. Bakker was charged with fraud and tax evasion, and sentenced to 45 years in jail, but paroled after serving five years of his sentence.
He and his wife divorced and in prison Bakker wrote an autobiography, "I Was Wrong," in which he apologized for his crimes.
Bakker has since remarried and is now broadcasting the daily Jim Bakker Show with his second wife, Lori.

4. Jimmy Swaggart
Lastly, popular 1980's televangelist Jimmy Swaggart was photographed leaving a hotel with a prostitute. He was caught again with a prostitute in 1991. In February 1988, Swaggart brokenly confessed on his television show that he had sinned against God. His viewership nose-dived and was expelled from his denomination, the Assemblies of God. Swaggart continues running a ministry today, and is publicized on SonLife Broadcasting Network.
"King David committed adultery and murder, but the Psalms haven't been deleted from the Old Testament. David suffered the consequences of his sin, but we keep the truths of his poetry. Churches with failed pastors could find ways of retaining teachings while denouncing transgressions," said Leith Anderson, president of National Association of Evangelicals.