iPad Sales News: Cook Admits iPad Sales Cannibalized by iPhone 6, But Apple is Not Worried

The resounding success of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, as well as the recently released Apple Watch notwithstanding, Apple has faced a downer too.

According to Tech Radar, while Apple has had a very successful March quarter due to the brisk sales of the recently released devices, the sales of the iPad continues to flounder. In fact, this tablet from Apple sold a mere 12.6 million units during the last three months. This is a significant decline considering the sales during the previous quarter and a 23 percent decline in year-on-year sales.

Recently, when Apple CEO Tim Cook was asked if the iPhone 6 has had an adverse affecting the iPad sales, he quipped, "Have we had cannibalization? The answer is yes." Nevertheless, this issue is not restricted to the iPhone sales hurting the iPad, but it goes beyond.

According to Cook, "We're clearly seeing cannibalization from iPhone and, on the other side from, Mac." He added. "As I've said before, we've never worried about that."

The report states that cannibalization is something familiar all through Apple's product history, and though Cook raised the issue on Tuesday, it has always been the M.O. of the Cupertino-based tech company not to attach too much important to it.

In fact, Cook has adopted a slipshod position on the issue related to current iPad sales.

Cook said, "It is what it is," adding, "It will play out and at some point it will stabilize. I can't say exactly when, but I'm pretty confident that it will."

The report also quotes Cook saying that, as far as iPads are concerned, Apple needs to not have an inventory correction, something that would provide some course correction for the tablet.

Referring to Apple's partnership with IBM, which was launched in 2015 with a view to bring all iDevices further into the enterprise space, Cook remarked the collaboration is "still in the early stages as far as bearing fruit."

"I still am a big believer for iPad to play in a major way in enterprise," Cook said, suggesting where Apple desires to focus future iPad growth.

Meanwhile, it is rumored that Apple is working on an iPad Pro meant more for businesses, and the comments made by Cook suggest that the device could be well on its way.