iOS 10 News & Update: Play Karaoke On Your Phone And Delete Your Messages Faster

With the looming arrival of the iOS 10, dedicated websites have been publishing news reports about its features on an almost daily basis.

One feature that will surely be a hit for music lovers is the revamped Apple Music with options to show the lyrics, thereby allowing them to sing along to any song.

They can find this feature on the Up Next portion, or pushing the three-dot button>Lyrics.

But CNet reported that for now, the lyrics that it has tested "seems to be hit or miss so far." However, the iOS 10 is still in beta phase so there might be some good news in the near future regarding this option.

Speaking of Apple Music, the article noted that the company seems to be listening to the complaints about the difficult navigation process. In the iOS 10, everything seems to be more organized and the navigation appears to be intuitive.

Meanwhile, on the SMS front, the 3D Touch technology allows users to erase the text messages quickly by just pressing hard on the backspace button.

According to Apple Insider, the manner in which they can erase the SMS can even change pace, depending on how hard they push the button. This is not a new technology, of course, because even without 3D Touch, they can delete messages using the same gesture.

It's just that it's faster and more efficient with the iOS 10, said the website.

While on the subject of SMS, there are now 100 new emojis that people can use, including the new water pistol emoji to replace the previous gun emoji.

According to the news reports, the final version of the iOS 10 will already be available in September this year.