Trending News|March 09, 2015 11:35 EDT
'Independence Day 2' Movie Cast News: Liam Hemsworth to Play Lead Character, Jeff Goldblum Returns
'Independence Day' movie director Roland Emmerich recently announced the names of the first list of actors who will star in the much anticipated sequel to the 1996 film. One of these actors, Jeff Goldblum, will reprise his archetypal character in the sequel, rumored to be titled 'ID Forever'.
Christian Today reports that last Wednesday Emmerich took to his Twitter account to announce that Liam Hemsworth, who also starred in the 'Hunger Games,' will play the lead role in the film, while Jeff Goldblum will return to reprise the character of David Levinson, a satellite expert, in the film.
In the original film, released nearly two decades back, Will Smith played the lead role. However, he is not likely to appear in the upcoming movie. Hemsworth will take over the lead from Will Smith in 'Independence Day,' which earned over $800 million at the box office during its release.
It is expected that Hemswoth, an Australian actor, will portray the character of President Thomas J. Whitmore's son-in-law, a character rendered by Bill Pullman in the original 'Independence Day' film. As of now, it is uncertain whether or not Pullman will also return to the 'Independence Day' sequel.
The other actors in the film include Jessie Usher of 'Survivor's Remorse,' who has been signed on to portray the character of Dylan Hiller, the son of Will Smith's character in the original movie, wherein Ross Bagley portrayed the character.
It is reported that Usher's character will be vital in the sequel, denoting that the plot of the upcoming movie will take off from where the original movie ended.
According to sources, originally, the first film was conceptualized as a two-film deal, but the planned sequel did not occur until now. It is being said that 'Independence Day 2' will be a standalone installment which will be scripted by Emmerich and Dean Devlin.
'Independence Day 2' will premiere on June 24, 2016, one month earlier than the expected release date in July.