Iggy Azalea News: Rap Artist Explains Why She Canceled Tour

Many fans were disappointed to hear the news of Iggy Azalea canceling her 'Great Escape' tour and the lack of explanation made a lot feel isolated.

The rap artist has since sat down with Seventeen magazine to discuss exactly where this change of heart came from and her current place in her career.

She begins by speaking on needing a break "to figure out what I want my sound to progress to."

"I've been going non-stop for the past two years, nearly every single day," she said. "I'm not in a bad place. I think sometimes when you say you need a mental break, people are like, 'A mental break? Be sure you don't have a breakdown because you're sad.' No, not necessarily. It's very emotionally draining to be on all the time and going all the time, planning all the time. It's a lot, and it's tough."

Azalea has once spoke on this outlook with her recent decision to quit all of her social networks. Apparently the negativity and being a constant spectacle bore down on her.

She goes on to also state that there were some problems involving her opening acts.

"It just seemed like it was so many things pointing me in the direction of not doing [the tour], that I finally thought, when enough things come your way, you can't ignore the signs," Azalea said. "It's not easy to decide that the best thing to do is cancel a tour, but that's the best thing for me. I don't want to disappoint fans. I feel really bad. It was a tough decision to make, but it was the best thing."

Fans who bought tickets for the tickets were respectively refunded, however a rescheduled date tour has not yet been announced.