Inspirations|May 26, 2015 08:39 EDT
'Hymns' EP Featuring Ellie Holcomb, Sandra McCracken, and More Available Now with Five-Day Devotional Plan
In a musical prelude to their 'Women in the Word' summer devotional series, women's devotional app She Reads Truth is releasing a free five-day set of devotionals centered around classic hymns. Though this is not the first time that She Reads Truth has released as set of devotionals based off of hymn lyrics (it's actually their third), this is the first time that it has been accompanied with original recordings of the hymns by Christian artists.
Ellie Holcomb, Sanda McCracken, Mandy Mann, and Stacy Lantz all feature on the five-song collection. Holcomb, McCracken, and Mann also contribute devotional reflections based on scripture and their assigned hymns.
The EP, available via Amazon, iTunes, and Google Play, features new renditions of "Amazing Grace," "Be Thou My Vision," "When I Survey the Wondrous Cross," "Great is Thy Faithfulness," and "What Wondrous Love is This," the songs carry a theme of breathy, meditative vocals and a hint of country twang.
She Reads Truth is a free app and a publisher of Bible study tools for women. It is based on the idea of creating an online community of women that are reading the Bible every day. She Reads Truth hosts free and nearly-free daily Bible study plans (think Our Daily Bread, but for your iPhone) that focus toward the millennial demographic. The daily Bible responses and reflections are also delivered once per day via email for those that aren't so app-happy. Contributors include popular bloggers such as Hayley Morgan, and ministry leaders such as Saddleback Church's Director of Women's Ministry, Debbie Eaton. Their 'Women in the Word' series will be released via their app and email channels, but also as a full-length book and a set of corresponding study materials.