Hugh Jackman News, Rumors: Actor to Play Wolverine One Last Time After 'X-Men: Apocalypse'?

Some very solemn news comes from the cinematic world of 'X-Men', with the recent announcement from actor Hugh Jackman.

Jackman, after seven different 'X-Men' movies, has stated he will reprise the role as Wolverine for one more film, and that's 'Wolverine 2' slated for 2017.

"Last week, word hit the web that Jackman, Halle Berry, and Channing Tatum's Gambit would be making cameo appearances in Singer's upcoming X-Men: Apocalypse, but if Jackman's caption is to be believed, then maybe those rumors were false. Or maybe he just meant that he's suiting up for a full feature one last time with The Wolverine 2, and we still may see him pop up briefly in Apocalypse," writes Geek Tyrant.

He made the announcement on his Instagram with a picture of the actor holding imitation Wolverine claws.

This statement is a bit of a contradiction from the one he made a couple weeks ago about wanting to, "play Wolverine until he died." The actor may finally be coming to grips about his tenure in the role.

There's currently no word on who is being considered to take the reigns after Jackman retires, but it's a sure fact that the next actor will have some huge shoes to fill.