How to Install 'Hearthstone' on Android Device Smaller than 6 Inches – File Download Links & Steps [VIDEO]

As Blizzard's popular card game steps into yet another new season, some gamers are thinking about installing it on their phones. While many gamers set aside the thought once they realize their displays are too small, others tackled the roadblock and found a way to install the game on any size screen.

According to VentureBeat, "Hearthstone is ... available in the Google Play Store if you have a device that is bigger than 6 inches. You can try installing the .apk if you find it, but the game will check to see if you have the right-sized phone."

Evidently, the programming actually checks if you have a large enough screen to play the game, a screen that would normally come with a tablet device and not a smartphone. However, gamers and techies in the 'Hearthstone' community found a work around and offered a set of instructions.

The following steps and download links stem from VentureBeat, and are not officially sponsored or endorsed by Blizzard Entertainment, so download and follow the steps at your own risk:

1. Download the .apk: Here.

2. Download the .obb data files: Here.

3. Put those files on your phone if you haven't already.

4. From your Android device, head to the Google Play Store and download: ES File Explorer Manager.

5. In ES File Explorer, navigate to the files you just downloaded and install the .apk.

6. Go back to ES File Explorer, find the files again, this time select and copy the "Com.blizzard.wtcg.hearthstone" folder.

7. Paste the folder into this file.

8. Boot up Hearthstone and sign in.

If you're still having trouble installing 'Hearthstone' on a device that has a screen smaller than 6 inches, check out the step-by-step video below: