Trending News|April 06, 2015 09:31 EDT
'House of Cards' Season 4 Release Date News: Series Confirms Next Installment for 2016
The Netflix original series, 'House of Cards', has reassured it's fans that they won't be without the show for much longer, with the confirmation of a Season 4 in 2016.
The 'House of Cards' Twitter page tweeted the following on Thursday:
"I will leave a legacy. ?#Underwood2016."
Aside from the return of the series, this could hint to a lot of things within the show. Could "Underwood2016" be confirming Frank Underwood's win in the presidential election that they left the show with?
As the last season returned to the streaming service on February 27th, it is speculated the fourth season would come back around the same time next year.
"No debut date was given for the much expected next cycle of House Of Cards, but if this last season was any indication, the streaming service's flagship drama will land right in the middle of political drama onscreen and off. With that in mind, production on the next season of the series is set to start this summer in and around Baltimore, where past cycles have been filmed," writes Deadline.