Trending News|June 18, 2015 09:56 EDT
'Horizon' New Game News: New Action-RPG Revealed at E3 2015 [TRAILER VIDEO]
Guerilla Games seemed to surprise everyone at E3 with the surprise reveal of the their promising new title 'Horizon.' It was said to be in development since 2011, but fell behind due to the studio's production of more popular titles.
The game blends action with a smooth RPG element, enabling something reminiscent of 'The Last of Us' or the rebooted 'Tomb Raider.'
Players will be set to play as the female protagonist Aloy in a post-apocalyptic world run by mysterious robotic creatures.
"You play as Aloy, the woman who was featured front and center in the reveal footage. Looking like something ripped straight out of Pixar's Brave, she has a special bond with the mechanical beasts that she hunts. Guerrilla stressed that Aloy isn't just a murderer - the way she connects with the raptor-esque Watcher when she performs a stealth kill shows the sort of relationship she has with the inhabitants of the crumbled world around her," writes IGN.
The trailer reveals some very impressive cinematics, along with gameplay footage that boasts some very intricate controls. The intense combat scenario revealed how in depth the developers are prepared to make mechanics.
"Of course, as far as the core combat goes, Horizon seems to deliver an incredibly intense experience. Watching Aloy set up a series of tripwires across two tall rocks, scaring a group of Grazers into running off, and seeing them set off the bombs and get completely blown apart showcased the neat sandbox elements that Guerrilla promised throughout Horizon. When it came to fighting the big hulking dino at the end of the demo, watching her target specific armor plates, shoot them off with her armor-piercing arrows, and attack the weaker core with a barrage of fire arrows cued us in to just how deep each of these massive encounters could be," writes IGN.
The title is scheduled to become available next year.