'Homeland' Season 5 Spoilers: Quinn and Saul’s Fates May be Revealed, Sebastian Koch to Portray Villain

In 'Homeland' Season 5, actor Sebastian Koch will the portraying a character named Otto, who is a philanthropist and runs many charity foundations. Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes), who is working as the chief of Otto's security in Germany, discovers that her boss is hiding his own dark secrets.

According to Christian Today, the above news in Vine Report also enlightens that Otto may actually come from a Nazi family and is currently engaged in hatching a number of conspiracies related to the long-frought Nazi activities and Russian spying.

Vine Report further states that Saul Berenson (Mandy Patinkin) is already back in the CIA.

Meanwhile, 'Homeland' executivee producer Alex Gansa shared, "As we open the season, Saul is back in the CIA and Carrie is out of it. So that's going to create, by definition, a distance between them."

The report states that the show creators will deal with Peter Quinn's (Rupert Friend) fate in Season 5 of the ABC political thriller television drama, giving the fans no scope to speculate about the plot threads. In 'Homeland' Season 4, fans saw Quinn signing up for a "dangerous mission" in Syria and, till the time of writing this piece, show creators are yet to reveal his fate. It may even be possible that Quinn is dead.

Earlier reports said that Miranda Otto, famed from her role in 'The Lord of the Rings,' will be joining the 'Homeland' cast to portray the character of Alison Carr. According to the description of Carr's character, she will be a CIA agent who will monitor Koch's character, thereby putting her in direct conflict with Carrie. In the upcoming season, fans will see Alexander Fehling playing Carrie's new love interest, while Sarah Sokolovic portrays the character of an American journalist who may possibly turn out to be Carrie's informant and ally later on.

In 'Homeland' Season 5, Carrie will be seen in self-exile, away from the CIA as well as the Middle East. The upcoming season picks up roughly two years after the Season 4 finale. 'Homeland' Season 5 is scheduled to premiere this fall.