In the news|May 14, 2015 10:21 EDT
'Heroes Reborn' Season 1 Spoilers, Cast News: Claire is Dead & Mohinder is Branded a Terrorist
Hayden Panettiere is currently known for her role as Juliette Barnes, a country music star on Nashville.
However, just a few years ago in 2006, she played a cheerleader on the small screen for the Heroes series. She was a cheerleader named Claire, and Heroes used Panettiere's character to launch its headline, "Save the cheerleader, save the world."
With this in mind, it would not be shocking if Claire was written into Heroes Reborn, which is the Heroes spinoff series premiering this fall.
It looks like this is not the case however, according to reporters who were present at the NBC upfront presentation.
In a tweet, Eric Goldman says "Claire is dead (We see her on a memorial) and Mohinder branded a terrorist. Like I said, dark times."
Fans of Heroes have seen Claire die many times in the show.
Her powers enabled her body to heal itself, making her able to recover from a broken neck, or fatal burns.
Many assumed that the only way to deactivate her rapid cell regeneration ability, one would have to remove her head or brain. Fans are wondering if that has happened.
It would seem that Claire has finally died, as Panettiere has other commitments which would keep her too busy to return to the show.
She is playing one of the lead roles on Nashville, the ABC television series. The series was recently renewed for a fourth season, and she is a new mother as well.
When it was first announced that the series would be arriving, Panettiere said that she had not been contacted by NBC at all.
While Heroes Reborn does not have a premiere date, it will be showing on Thursdays on NBC at 8:00 pm.