Trending News|September 15, 2016 10:19 EDT
'Hearthstone' News Update: Arena Mode Loses Several Cards, Here Are The Details
Blizzard Entertainment's "Hearthstone" is set to change, as several cards will no longer be playable in the arena.
"Hearthstone's" update is set to remove a number of cards in the Arena mode. According to the game's official website, these cards include Mage (Forgotten Torch, Snowchugger, and Faceless Summoner), Rogue (Goblin Auto Barber, and Undercity Valiant), and Shaman (Vitality Toten, Dust Devil, Totemic Might, Ancestral Healing, Dunemaul Shaman, and Windspeaker).
Along with the aforementioned, Warlock cards (Anima Golem, Sacrificial Pact, Curse of Rafaam, Sense Demons, Void Crusher, Reliquary Seeker, and Succubus), Druid (Savagery, Poison Seeds, Soul of the Forest, Mark of Nature, Tree of Life, and Astral Communion), and Warrior (Warsong Commnader, Bolster, Charge, Bouncing Blade, Axe Finger, Rampage, and Ogre Warmaul).
Hunter (Starving Blizzard, Call pet, Timber Wolf, Cobra Shot, Lock and Load, Dart Trap, and Snipe), and Priest (Mind Blast, Shadowbomber, Lightwell, Power Word: Glory, Confuse, Convert, and Inner Fire) are also set to be removed from the Arena mode.
The update is not set to pose impact to Paladin, among others.
In a statement, as cited by Game Spot, game designer Dean Ayala spoke his thoughts in line with the removal of the said cards. He said that one goal they had for Arena was that they wanted it to feel meaningfully different from any other way one might play "Hearthstone."
According to Ayala, variety among all game modes was important to them, but an equally important goal was to have a wide range of experiences within each game mode.
As per Eurogamer, it is not the first time the studio has banned cards from the game's arena; however, it is the most notable card removal that has ever happened in the Arena mode. As per the publication, the studio only removed one or two cards at a time, not to mentioned that they were banned following feedbacks from players.
Released in 2014, "Hearthstone" is playable on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android.