Trending News|March 04, 2015 03:50 EST
'Hearthstone' New Black Rock Mountain Adventure Mode Rumors: New Cards & Content Revealed at PAX East?
With a new ranked season of 'Hearthstone' well under way, casuals and gamers alike are looking to find out about the next set of cards that's going to be shuffled into the game. While there has been no official word from Blizzard or any of the game's developers, rumor has it that the next adventure mode, along with some new cards, is going to be based off WoW's Black Rock Mountain.
So far, media outlets have only been able to pull ideas about the new content from datamining and speculation.
With regards to that, Hearthhead went ahead and datamined an upcoming patch wherein three new card backs were discovered, one a touch more interesting than the others. Card backs based on Ragnaros, Molten Core, and Golden Celebration have all been been discovered.
On that note, Hearthpwn,writes "Now that we know the Ragnaros card back has been confirmed from our previous Blackrock Mountain datamining, it's looking a lot more likely BRM wasn't Blizzard just messing around."
Stepping into what has people saying it's going to be a BRM (Black Rock Mountain) based adventure, the Molten Core card back comes with an intriguing string when datamined. BlizzPro writes that the data string associated with the Molten Core card back says, "purchase brm presale."
While nothing can be concluded for sure, that an entire adventure is going to be based of the 'World of Warcraft' region, the evidence seems to be piling up.
On a side note, the third datamined card back, Golden Celebration, is rumored to be released on the one-year launch anniversary of 'Hearthstone' (March 11).
At this point, gamers might have a general idea of what they could see in the next 'Hearthstone' content update, but they really don't have any idea when.
In an interview with Gamespot, Ben Brode, a founding member of the 'Hearthstone' development team, said, "Our goal going forwards is to figure out the right pace of adding in more expansions and adventures. We have to time it so that players are ready for a new batch of cards. We're not going to go in too fast either."
However, the "right pace" might be synced with the upcoming PAX East Event in which Blizzard has already confirmed their attendance.
"Friday, March 6 at 10:30 a.m. EST for our Blizzard Preview: Hearthstone, Overwatch, and Heroes of the Storm panel. Led by game directors Eric Dodds, Jeff Kaplan, and Dustin Browder, the panel will treat you to a sneak peek at what's in store for Blizzard in 2015, including upcoming content for all three games. Be sure to arrive early, though, as seating is limited!" writes Battle.Net.
Last but not least, Blizzard seems to have put a little Fire Elemental sprite animation on top of their search bar on the official 'Hearthstone' website, hinting the BRM content even more, check that out here.
For more information on the upcoming PAX East Event, check out the confirmation post here, also be sure to scope out the official PAX Twitch.TV channels to watch the action live.