Trending News|March 09, 2015 09:50 EDT
Harrison Ford Condition Update: 'Star Wars' Actor in Stable Condition after Plane Crash
Fans of Star Wars and Indiana Jones actor, Harrison Ford, were worried about the star's condition after he crash landed a vintage WW2 military plane. In several reports, medical respondents tell sources that Ford is now in stable condition.
In a tweet, Ford's son Ben said, "At the hospital. Dad is ok. Battered, but ok! He is every bit the man you would think he is. He is an incredibly strong man."
Thursday, Ford was flying a single-engine plane when he noticed that the plane was having engine trouble. Shortly after his request to return the plane to the Santa Monica Airport, the engine completely failed. Ford crash landed the plane at Penmar Golf Course at around 2:30 PM.
First responders reported that Ford had received several lacerations to the head. However, there were several doctors on the golf course that day and he received immediate attention for his wounds. The Los Angeles Fire Department also stated that by the time they arrived on the scene, Ford was out of the plane and conscious.
Ford has been flying planes for nearly 50 years. This recent crash isn't his first one. In 1999 Ford crash landed a helicopter alongside his trainer while they were practicing emergency landings. He also crashed a six-passenger plane in Lincoln, Nebraska in the summer of 2000. Both times the actor came out of the wreckage with little to no injuries.
Tom Haines, a member of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, has flown with Ford before. In an interview with KSL he said, "He's a very skilled pilot. He's very safety-conscious and goes to training routinely for all of his aircraft."
Ford is considered lucky as he survives yet another plane crash. Fans of the actor look forward to his upcoming role in the newest Star Wars film.