Trending News|September 02, 2015 10:07 EDT
'Hannibal' Season 4 News, Rumors: Showrunner Talks About the Future of the Series
The ending of NBC's 'Hannibal' on Saturday looked to be an indefinite conclusion for both main characters Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter, however showrunner Bryan Fuller recently revealed that this still may not be the end.
In a recent interview with IGN, Fuller reveals that even though the show may have depicted the death of the two characters, he wants it to stay ambiguous. He explained:
"Well, I think if there were a Season 4, of course they would survive but there's still... The conversation is still in play in so many ways and I may be holding on to false hope that we'll be able to continue telling a bit of the story because I love these actors and would love to continue working with them. I think it works both ways where if you are satisfied by this conclusion to the series, then that can be the end. if you are wanting more story then there is a version of events yet to be told."
With the show now being cancelled, Fuller is asked if this ending would have still pertained if 'Hannibal' was slated for more seasons:
"I think this is how it would have ended regardless. The idea for Season 4, which we kept going back and forth on, I was like, "This is an arc for a season that I want to do and we can either do it in Season 4 or we can do our version of Silence of the Lambs in Season 4 and then get back to it in Season 5." But I really feel like it organically goes in Season 4, before any sort of Silence of the Lambs arc, because there's a lot to address and a lot to unpack. So I stand by this ending as the appropriate ending for Season 3, whether it was going into a Season 4 or whether it was ending where it stood."
He goes on to give us clues on a possible continuation.
"Martha [De Laurentiis] is still trying to get financing on a film, so I'm curious what her perspective... They've explored Kickstarter for a film. They've talked about traditional financing. So there are conversations still ongoing and I'm mainly curious how the audience will react to this finale and whether the audience will say, "Okay, great, you scratched our back. We're satisfied. That feels like an appropriate ending and we're done with the story now." Or if the audience is going to say, 'I want more of Mads Mikkelson and Hugh Dancy and their mindf**kery.'"