'Halo: The Master Chief Collection' Update News: Matchmaking Changes & HitBox Registration Fix

Since its release on November 11, 2014, Halo: The Master Chief Collection has had numerous problems. The problems should never have happened, but they keep happening and fans of the series keep giving the collection bad reviews and popping out the disk to play better put together games.

343 Industries publicly announced their apology for all of the numerous problems since its release date and are slowly patching up the issues.

"I personally apologize for this on behalf of us all at 343 Industries," said 343 Industries' head Bonnie Ross, "Our team is committed to working around the clock until these issues are resolved."

Unfortunately, that apology was offered four months ago.

However, on Wednesday, March 4, the company sent out full notes of updates to be received for the collection. With the failure of the beta program, 343 Industries is finally hearing the outcries of Halo fans and customers and patching up a variety of issues that occurred directly after purchasing and playing the collection.

The notes included several improvements to matchmaking and overall stability for all titles. They made a variety of updates to improve success rates and search times/time to match as well.

Titles Halo 2 and Halo: Combat Evolved received the biggest changes. Halo 2 will have better multiplayer shot registration, improved campaign stability across a variety of levels, fixed stability issues for matchmaking and custom game, and improved medal display consistency. Halo: Combat Evolved is now fixed with better aim assist, shot registration between host and client in peer-to-peer custom made matches and resolved a variety of UI inconsistencies, including team color randomization, medals and in-game scoreboard display.

Players of Halo: The Master Chief Collection can look for the update on their consoles soon.