'Halo 5' DLC News: 343 Industries Title Gets Tech Support; ‘Halo Wars 2’ Photos Leaked

Along with 343 Industries' new "Halo Wars 2" image, new details on "Halo 5" DLC have surfaced.

Fans can expect major improvements from "Halo 5." According to Cinema Blend, "Halo 5" Forge is set to feature support for both mouse and keyboard, in addition to controls enhancement for the independent multiplayer mode. Also, the title is set to have 4K support, along with players' ability to participate in custom matches while sporting KBMOB t-shirt.

According to the publication, "Halo 5" is set to feature new maps, which serve as battlefields for players. As per the publication, the title is set to have some REQs to improve character abilities and additional items and features players can attach to their Forge masterpieces.

The "Halo 5" DLC is also set to have a content browser, which is set to be accessible on both Xbox One and Microsoft Windows. This lets players scan other players' custom-made content, along with various file selections and linked screenshots, among others. It also features the trending maps, which allows people to see what others are playing.

In other news, 343 Industries also released a new photo for "Halo Wars 2," which can be found on Game Spot. The said photos show portions of the game maps, along with robot attackers and combat vehicles.

"Halo 5" is 343 Industries' first-person shooting video game. The title centers on two human supersoldier fireteams, with the Blue Team leader Master Chief vanishes to hunt the artificial intelligence named Cortana. As a result, his faith was doubted, leaving the Spartan Locke and the Fireteam Osiris to get him.

343 Industries' "Halo 5" was initially released for the Xbox One in Oct. 2015.

Watch "Halo 5's" trailer here.