Trending News|February 11, 2015 11:11 EST
‘Half-Life 3' News: Avid Fans Release Short Film, 'Unannounced'; Game Still Not In Sight [VIDEO]
Even as Valve remains silent on the development of 'Half-Life: 3,' a keen fan of the sci-fi first person shooter game series recently posted a short film online to demonstrate how eagerly they are waiting for the new game.
Christian Post reports that the short film titled 'Half-Life 3: Unannounced' was produced and released by New Zealand-based Fence Post Productions. The film depicts Gordon Freeman, the protagonist of the 'Half-Life' game series, much older and having put on plenty of weight during the last one decade when the game developer released the last episode of the 'Half-Life' series.
As it appears in the short film, Freeman is bored as he has nothing to do because the former Black Mesa Research Facility employee does not have any new adventures for him. In the absence of any real escapade, Freeman is shown as drinking throughout the day and wasting much of his valuable time simply watching TV and indolently toying with his Gravity Gun.
In fact, nearly eight years have passed since Gordon ventured out last alongside Alyx Vance and confronted many fights in a place where that was once called City 17.
As the video film shows Freeman spending most of his time throwing empty beer cans around, it is quite clear that he is tired and wants new adventures in life. In the film, the action hero is seen as having developed a big beer belly in due course. According to LazyGamer, if Freeman puts on a white beard on his avatar in the video short film, he will almost look like Gabe Newell, who is the co-creator of the 'Half-Life' series.
'Half-Life 2: Episode Two' was released in 2007 and it was the last installment of the hit game series. According to some initial reports, Valve would be releasing the third episode of the game much earlier, but nothing has materialized so far.