Guillermo Del Toro News: Director Gives Up On Video Games

There were a whole host of fans that were patiently anticipating the legendary video game project between Guillermo Del Toro and Hideo Kojima, unfortunately the collaboration fell apart before its completion.

Del Toro has dominated on both television and film, making fans only fantasize about what the director could produce in a video game, however according to a recent interview, we may truly never know.

The horror director seems to be abandoning the video game medium all together according to Shack News:

"I have proven to be the albatross of video games. I joined THQ, and THQ goes broke. I join Kojima, and Kojima leaves Konami. I have decided, in order not to destroy anyone else's life, I have decided I will never again get involved in video games. Otherwise, I'll join someone and his house will explode, or something...if I join another video game, World War III will start."

This is some solemn news, as Del Toro seems to believe he is toxic for the industry as a whole. Here's what he had to say about the 'Silent Hills' project before it was disbanded in an interview with IGN:

"What we wanted to do with the game - and we were very much in agreement on this - was to take the technology and make it as cutting-edge as we could in creating terror in the house. The idea was very, very atmosphere-drenched."

"But what made Silent Hill so great was that you had the atmosphere but then you a pay-off with a very active, very intense series of moments. We wanted to do some stuff that I'm pretty sure - just in case it ever comes back, which honestly I would love for somebody to change their mind and we can do it - but in case it comes back there was some stuff that was very new, and I wouldn't want to spoil it."