Trending News|March 11, 2015 09:53 EDT
'GTA V' Online Heists Release Date News: New DLC Now Available for PS4, Xbox One, PS3, Xbox 360
Grand Theft Auto Online has proven to be a successful branch from the franchise since its first launch. Now, the multiplayer online mode offers new challenges and missions for teams to explore with the recently released DLC.
"Heists" is the newest update for the GTA Online community. Upon its release Tuesday, March 10, IGN said, "They're real and they're spectacular... these long-awaited four-player online heists are meaty and, in our initial experience, very different from anything else in GTA 5."
In order to access the Heist missions, teams need a Leader. The Leader will have to have rank 12 at least and own a high-end apartment with a planning board. Heist Leaders also have to provide all setup costs before even starting the game. The Leader will also have control over team roles and payment for each team member.
"Heists" is mainly to get a lot of in-game money to buy newer and better equipment. There are five total Heists, including an introductory one that can be played with two people instead of four. The new update also includes new Adversary Modes, daily objectives, and Freemode activities. New weapons, vehicles, and bonus round challenges are also available.
The PlayStation Blog gave tips for players. Everyone should follow the leader and make sure they are trustworthy as they will be in charge of basically everything. Players should communicate effectively and regularly check in with each member. Every team member should also be aware of the kinds of weapons, vehicles, etc. they have in order to successfully complete the new heists.
The "Heists" update is now available for the Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4. The update will be available for PC users April 14.