Trending News|November 04, 2014 11:50 EST
'GTA 5' PS4, Xbox One Release Date News: Rockstar's New Gameplay Details for Next Gen Versions [TRAILER]
Rockstar Games' Animation Director Rob Nelson (for 'GTA 5') recently confirmed that the latest version of the critically acclaimed video game series will feature a brand new mode that will available exclusively on next-gen gaming consoles PS4 and Xbox One.
"It's a very intense, in-your-face experience... literally," said Nelson to IGN.
"Obviously, we felt like one of the most compelling things you could do to make an experience people have had before feel different was the new first-person mode."
Nelson revealed that the company was planning on including a first person mode for the PS4 and the Xbox 360, but decided against due to technical difficulties when the previous versions were released on the aforementioned game consoles on September 17, 2013.
"We've always been in interested in it, but it's never really been an option for us. I don't think we could've put it in the [last-gen version] because we were too busy making the game. We were too busy working on our third-person controls and the missions," said Nelson.
"We were out of memory on the old consoles for animations. We were constantly fighting about what we could have and what we could still push in, and what other areas you could steal memory back from - audio, art, maps - for animation. So we could've added all the atoms to make a first-person mode to the level we wanted. We weren't sure the world would have held up the way we would've wanted it to."
The 'GTA 5' Animation Director further discussed the groundbreaking first-person mode and how it will change gamers' future experiences with the long-running series forever.
"You're eye-level, down with the people on the street, and as you walk past them, you see them sort of look at you out of the corner of their eye. All of this stuff existed in the game before--lots of little details," said Nelson.
"There's stuff that just doesn't exist in third-person: the weapon recoil, the reloads, the weapon switching. All of the weapons have been up-rezzed and animated properly, so the shells come out the right way and have the right muzzle flashes. I think we created 3,000 animations on weapons alone... There are things you don't see as well from a different perspective. When we started to play around, we started to see all this stuff we never saw before. It's just a different way of looking at things."
The newest 'GTA 5' version will arrive in stores for the PS4 and Xbox One on November 18, 2014, then the PC version will be released on January 27, 2015.