Good Talks|March 16, 2015 03:18 EDT
'GTA 5' Online Heists Update, Cheat Codes: Super Jump, Invincibility, Solo Money Glitch
After weeks of waiting and trying to see if the newest Grand Theft Auto 5 Online Heists update would finally function, the game's company, Rockstar, has finally fixed all the server issues encountered by so many gamers playing the latest version.
Upon the game's release, several avid players have complained because of problems connecting to the game servers and even maintenance times for the GTA Online and Social Club since March 12 at 3:00 am.
But now that the game's already fully functional with no other problems and it's fresh out of maintenance, several players have been asking online about what codes to use to enjoy the game even more. Players, in wanting to have a handful of codes to gain some weapons, ammo, and more have found a way to get them in a trending new Youtube instructional video.
The video, which has been embedded below, shows how players can get the instructions on how to activate the Super Jump, maximize armors, as well as a Solo Money Glitch where players can boost their vehicles, then re-sell to get more money back.
In the video, the gamers are given a set of codes including sequences to take advantage of the glitches. To give weapons and ammo, the gamer must press the following codes: (TRIANGLE) (R2) (LEFT) (L1) (X) (RIGHT) (TRIANGLE) (DOWN) (SQUARE) (L1) (L1) (L1).
On that note, the Super Jump the codes are: (LEFT) (LEFT) (TRIANGLE) (TRIANGLE) (RIGHT) (RIGHT) (LEFT) (RIGHT) (SQUARE) (R1) (R2). To be invincible in the game, this code can be used: (RIGHT) (X) (RIGHT) (LEFT) (RIGHT) (R1) (RIGHT) (LEFT) (X) (TRIANGLE).
The codes are definitely easy to remember like the codes to Maximize armor and health: (CIRCLE) (L1) (TRIANGLE) (R2) (X) (SQUARE) (CIRCLE) (RIGHT) (SQUARE) (L1) (L1) (L1). It has been reported that players who are already using the game can make use of the codes right away however, some have given warnings that upon usage, the player may not be able to repeat them since Rockstar is reported to have another maintenance period in the work.