Trending News|June 13, 2014 01:36 EDT
GTA 5 Online Heists DLC Update: New Attack Helicopter Added to Gameplay After Rockstar Repairs Servers for Launch
Fans of the popular "GTA 5" game will not be able to play "GTA Online" for a short time because Rockstar Games' support team will be repairing their servers reportedly in preparation for the debut of Attack Helicopter in the upcoming Heist missions DLC.
"We will be performing Rockstar Cloud Service maintenance during four windows from 6/7/14 to 6/11/14," wrote Rockstar Games on their support site. "Grand Theft Auto Online will be temporarily unavailable during some of this period, and Social Club website login and Crew content display may not be available."
Rockstar also expressed their regret towards fans who would not be able to play "GTA Online" from now until Wednesday June 11.
"Players attempting to access GTA Online or save to Rockstar Cloud during these windows may experience error messages stating that Rockstar Cloud Services are unavailable. Apologies in advance for any inconvenience," wrote Rockstar Games.
Here are the following days when future updates and repairs will take place this week:
Tuesday morning, June 9 starting at 1 a.m. (ET), completion time TBD and Wednesday morning, June 11 starting at 2 a.m. (ET), completion time TBD.
According to a YouTube user DomisLive, he believes a mock Life Invader (a parody of the popular social network Facebook) promo in "GTA 5" hints at the inclusion of attack helicopters in a pseudo movie trailer entitled "The Simian." In addition, the YouTube user also saw the same info regarding the future vehicle on the GTA Wiki page.
"Stalk us on Lifeinvader and get 10% off your first purchase [of military vehicles]," mentioned the GTA Wiki page.
GTA Heist DLC is expected to be released this month on the "GTA Online," which currently available on the PS3 and Xbox 360.
Warning: Video contains Strong laungage and situation