'Grey's Anatomy' Season 11 Episode 22 Plot Recap: Meredith Mourns Derek's Death

In episode 22 of Grey's Anatomy, Meredith Grey had to say good bye to her husband, Derek Shepherd. After the car accident that he was involved in, Meredith arrived at the hospital to find that Derek did not have any chance to survive.

In this week's episode, Meredith said her final goodbyes to her husband. The episode was two hours long, and was quite emotional.

It started off with Meredith telling her fellow doctors at the Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital that Derek had passed away. Owen Hunt was also bearing some bad news to Amelia about the death of her brother.

He wanted to give her the details of Derek's death, but Amelia, unable to handle it, asked Owen not to. In her shocked state, she said "I don't need to know the details. Dead is dead. Thank you for telling me. It's not a big deal."

At the same time, after Derek's funeral, Meredith made a decision to leave Seattle, taking her two children with her. She left a note ensuring everyone that she was safe, but her friends at the hospital still wanted to track her down. Eventually, Dr. Weber told them to stop trying to find her, as what she did was similar to what her mother had done years ago.

Just before the end of the episode, Amelia finally begins to grieve the death of her brother and attempts suicide by swallowing a handful of pills, but Owen is able to find her and stop her on time.

Before Meredith returned to Seattle, she finds out that she is pregnant with a baby girl, as she experiences some profuse bleeding and her daughter Zola calls the police to save her life.