Trending News|June 16, 2013 07:49 EDT
Green Day: After Billy Joe's Meltdown & The Dissapointment of "Uno!, Dos!, Tre!" has America's Top Rock Band Lost Some of Their Popularity?
Green Day has surfaced again after Billie Joe finishing his stint in rehab after his climactic meltdown on stage at the I Heart Radio Festival in Las Vegas back in September 2012.
This happened at a bad time for Green Day as they were in the midst of releasing their three new records, all back to back.
Green Day shot to the Top of the rock world with their album, Dookie, in 1994 and quickly became not only the biggest punk band in the world, but arguably the biggest band in the world at that time along with Nirvana.
Their quick success was not something normally attained by punk music and the music that Green Day grew up loving. So the quick success and so much success in general took the guys awhile to adapt to with backlash from certain peers and people that used to run in their circles of music.
Green Day released several solid albums in between and became a strong opening act in the early 2000's for bands like Blink-182.
However, with the release of American Idiot in 2004, they quickly shot back on top and had the most success of their career and were once again America's top rock band.
Uno!, Dos! and Tre! all released in 2012 right before and after the I Heart Radio Festival and none of the songs really caught on with radio.
Since Billie Joe was in rehab (which was obviously the correct choice) they were unable to promote the three new records like they normally would.
Green Day is back in the studio working on new music and is back touring again, it just doesn't seem that there is the same interest for the band.
Of course they will always have a strong cult following of fans, it just might be on a small scale than the massive success they had for the last several years.
They are hitting the festival circuit this summer, hitting Reading and Leeds Festivals in Europe and several more. Maybe this will establish them back again. Most likely we will all have to wait and see what their next batch of songs sounds like on their new record to see if it can put them back on top.
What do you guys think?