Trending News|August 29, 2013 05:20 EDT
Grand Theft Auto V New Trailer Released. Video Inside From Rockstar Games
In a few more weeks gamers will be able to get their button mashing fingers on the new Grand theft Auto V. Rockstar Games, GTA's developer has only given fans the bare minimum when it comes to news on GTA V. only displaying screenshots of the game and lots of trailers throughout the entire year.
Well today Rockstar gave its fans the "holy-grail", an official launch trailer for Grand Theft Auto V, which I have for my readers down below the article. Some of the past trailers that have been released showed us the three new playable characters feature, new ways of combat and driving.
Grand Theft Auto V will be headlining amongst many other "most wanted" games such as Call of Duty: Ghosts, and Assassins Creed 4.Grand Theft Auto V is set to launch on XBOX 360 and Ps3 on September 17.